
Matthew J. Matthew J Lynch, MD
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery located in East Windsor, NJ
Gynecomastia refers to abnormal male breast enlargement, a condition that may cause physical symptoms and make men feel self-conscious and embarrassed. At Matthew J. Lynch MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Lynch has helped many men overcome gynecomastia by performing breast reduction surgery and restructuring their chest to meet their desired proportions. To learn more about surgery to treat gynecomastia, call the office in East Windsor, New Jersey, or schedule an appointment online.
Gynecomastia Q & A
What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition in which breast gland tissue grows and enlarges the breasts in men. The problem may be caused by a hormone imbalance leading to higher-than-normal levels of estrogen. Many young men develop a temporary form of gynecomastia at puberty. The problem also affects adults, where it tends to be long-lasting.
Gaining weight also causes enlarged breasts in men, but they only have gynecomastia when the change is due to glandular tissue growth.
What symptoms occur with gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia typically affects both breasts, but may develop in one breast. You’ll feel a firm, disc-like mass underneath your nipples and areola. Your breasts may also become swollen, feel tender, and develop a discharge.
Gynecomastia is benign, however, the hormonal changes that cause gynecomastia may increase your risk for male breast cancer.
Additionally, a lump, swelling, and discharge are classic symptoms of male breast cancer, so it’s important to protect your health by having your breasts examined.
How is gynecomastia treated?
The first step in treating gynecomastia is to determine whether an underlying condition is responsible for your breast enlargement. When an underlying cause is identified, treating it may reverse your gynecomastia.
For many men with gynecomastia, the best treatment is breast reduction surgery. During this procedure, Dr. Lynch removes excess glandular tissue and skin through a small incision placed in your underarm or the lower part of the areola.
If necessary, Dr. Lynch also performs liposuction to eliminate excess fat to deliberately sculpt and contour the chest. Then your chest is resculpted, and the areola resized and repositioned, if needed, to create a more natural-looking chest.
Breast reduction surgery takes about 1-2 hours. You’ll need to wear a compression garment for 4-6 weeks after your procedure. Most men return to work in 10 days, and they can get back to their normal activities in four weeks.
If you’re concerned by enlarged breasts and believe you might have gynecomastia, call Matthew J. Lynch MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery or book an appointment online.
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