Who Is Eligible for a Blepharoplasty?

Along with your smile, your eyes often are the first thing people notice about you. But what if you feel self-conscious about that part of your face?
If you’re bothered by the way your eyelids or surrounding skin look as a result of aging or an abnormality you’ve had for years, you may want to consider blepharoplasty. This cosmetic procedure improves the overall look and positioning of your eyelids and nearby skin to create a sleeker, more vibrant look.
Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Matthew Lynch in East Windsor, New Jersey, performs blepharoplasty as an outpatient procedure to help you feel more confident or see more clearly.
Let’s take a closer look at this procedure, including signs you’re a strong candidate.
What causes eyelid and under-eye sagging
Sagging skin and bags under your eyes can appear for a range of reasons, from a spree of sleepless nights to eating a fair amount of salty foods. These issues can also stem from congestion when you’re dealing with a cold, sinus infection, or allergies.
Under-eye bags and droopy eyelids that stick around no matter the specifics of your day could derive from genetic factors — simply the way your skin drapes over the bone structure of your face or the way your eyelids have always been shaped.
Aging also fuels sagging skin around the eyes due to lower levels of the proteins collagen and elastin and the wrinkles and shallows that follow from lack of tissue support. As you age, the muscles supporting your lower eyelids also weaken, making way for bulging or droopy skin.
How blepharoplasty works
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that targets your lower eyelids, upper eyelids, or both. And while it’s considered an eyelid procedure, blepharoplasty addresses not only your eyelids but the surrounding tissue for a refreshed appearance or better eyesight. Vision can be compromised when sagging eyelids hang over your lashes.
During the procedure, Dr. Lynch may remove excess or sagging skin, remove excess fat, reposition fat, and/or tighten nearby muscles. If desired, you may opt to have another procedure, such as a brow lift, at the same time.
Good candidates for blepharoplasty
If you’re bothered by the look or function of your eye area due to drooping or sagging skin, you may be a good candidate for blepharoplasty.
Signs you’re eligible include:
- Being in good overall health, with no chronic conditions that impair healing
- Being a non-smoker
- Having realistic treatment goals
If you have a serious eye condition, hypertension, or diabetes, blepharoplasty may not be ideal or feasible. In that case, Dr. Lynch can discuss other options with you. Depending on your health specifics, for example, you may be eligible for Botox® or fillers.
To learn more about blepharoplasty or to find out if you’re a good candidate, call Dr. Lynch, or request an appointment through our website today.
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