Surgery for Gynecomastia: What to Expect

Surgery for Gynecomastia: What to Expect

Gynecomastia — enlarged male breast tissue — isn’t a major health threat, but it’s a threat to your emotional health and overall self-esteem. Still, it’s not easy asking for help for something that’s become such a sore spot in your life. 

Before you throw in the towel and accept gynecomastia as a part of life, Dr. Matthew Lynch wants to show you what surgical correction looks like. 

Here’s a detailed guide to the before, during, and after of gynecomastia surgery. 

Before your procedure

The first steps before your surgery include a few consultations and evaluations. We gather all pertinent data about your current health status and medical history to understand what’s causing your enlarged breast tissue. 

Often, we order lab work to evaluate your health and/or cancer screenings to rule out male breast cancer. 

Once we clear you for surgery, we discuss the pre-op protocol. Your specific instructions may vary slightly, but in general, we recommend that you:

It’s also a good idea to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes on the day of your surgery and have a trusted friend or family member on standby to drive you home when you’ve recovered. 

During your procedure

We can use several different techniques during your procedure. Sometimes, liposuction is enough to reduce your breast size. Liposuction involves removing excess fat through a suction hose. 

We often need to create tiny incisions around the areola to remove breast tissue and reposition your nipple. We also carefully remove any excess skin so you’re left with a more sculpted, masculine chest. 

We walk you through how your procedure will go and answer any questions you might have. Whichever method we use, rest assured that you’ll be completely relaxed and under general anesthesia. 

After your procedure

In some cases, we can perform gynecomastia surgery on an outpatient basis, which means you go home the same day as your surgery. As we mentioned before, it’s important to have transportation home, as you’ll need time to recover before getting behind the wheel. 

Our team reviews your at-home care instructions in detail so you know exactly what to do. 

Expect to wear bandages and a supportive garment around your chest for a few days to a few weeks to control swelling. We typically prescribe pain medication to help you manage post-op discomfort and to reduce swelling. 

We may place a small tube under your skin to help drain excess blood and fluid that collects in the surgical area. We give you specific instructions on caring for the drains, and we remove them at your next appointment. 

Attend all follow-up appointments so we can monitor your progress, catch signs of any infection early, and adjust your care instructions if necessary. 

Life after gynecomastia surgery

Results from gynecomastia are noticeable once you’ve fully healed and are permanent in most cases. But if gynecomastia was a result of lifestyle choices — such as prescription medications, drugs, or weight gain — you must make changes to maintain your results. 

During your follow-up appointments, we work closely with you to make sure you’re on the right track and making the healthiest decisions possible. 

Are you ready to get the physique of your dreams? Call or click to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lynch at our East Windsor, New Jersey, office today.

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